Jin Liu

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Jin Liu

About Me


University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

Student Researcher, Center for Intelligent Imaging - June 2022 – Present

  • Breast Cancer Detection: Implemented a breast cancer image detection project using various machine learning frameworks, successfully handling over 2000+ cases in PyTorch.
  • Model Performance Enhancement: Utilized Monai, a PyTorch-based medical image framework, and improved model performance by introducing additional layers and implementing data augmentation strategies.
  • MRI Image Denoising: Designed and implemented a UNet + ResNet model to effectively denoise low-field MRI images.

Primer.ai, San Francisco, CA

Software Engineer, Core Platform Team - Mar 2021 – Apr 2022

  • API Development: Designed and implemented Python Flask API, utilizing Sqlalchemy, Marshmallow, and Postgres.
  • Data Validation and Processing: Developed data validation and pre/post processing REST APIs to support Binary/Multi-class/Multi-label Classifiers.
  • User Credit Management System: Designed a user credits management system using Postgres and Flask, while also establishing comprehensive database and API endpoint monitoring.
  • Messaging System Migration: Successfully refactored 40% of Amazon SQS to Kafka message queue, facilitating local service deployment.
  • Security Enhancements: Resolved 70% of security alerts through robust dependency management and Docker image library management.
  • File Upload Improvement: Improved bulk file upload validation, effectively reducing file format issues by 90%.
  • GitHub Actions: Developed several Github actions including pytest script and automatic dependency management.
  • Product SDKs: Launched internal product SDKs to enable quick API access across the organization.

Iotium, Inc, Santa Clara, CA

Software Engineer - Jan 2020 – Feb 2021

  • AWS Services: Implemented Python3 scripts to manage various AWS services. Created upload and download services for AWS S3 with Server-Side Encryption, managed AWS EC2 instances for deployment, and leveraged AWS SQS for message queuing.
  • Client-Server Availability Check: Developed Golang client-server availability check by implementing GRPC DBUS, Httping, and DNS lookups.
  • MongoDB Health Check APIs: Implemented Java rest APIs for MongoDB Health Check, monitoring replica set health within multiple Micro-services.
  • Code Refactoring: Improved Java DTOs services layer implementation, significantly reducing code duplication in Micro-services.
  • CI/CD Integration: Applied Java Unit tests in conjunction with Jenkins for continuous integration and delivery in Micro-services.
  • Docker Services Deployment: Enhanced AWS EC2 scripts to deploy various Docker services such as nginx and MongoDB.
  • Agile Development: Gained experience with the SCRUM product development cycle, JIRA ticket processes, and Agile development methodologies.

Kaazing Corporation — Nten.io, Santa Clara, CA

Software Engineer Intern - Jul 2019 - Sep 2019

  • Cloud Security: Constructed Socks5 protocols in JAVA to secure and authenticate cloud server.
  • Connection Diagnostics: Diagnosed Socks5 connection issues using unit tests and integration tests.
  • Code Optimization: Updated the Jacoco code coverage from the old code skeleton, effectively reducing code redundancy.
  • Maven Management: Handled Maven dependencies management to deploy snapshots and test new releases.
  • Multi-threading in Java: Developed Socks5 using Java multi-threading techniques and object-oriented design principles.


  • University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
    • Master in Biomedical Imaging, Specializing in MRI, Imaging Processing, CT, PET, SPECT - June 2023
  • Stanford University, Stanford, CA
    • Exchange Graduate Student, Specializing in Deep Learning with Computer Vision, Graph Neural Network - June 2023
  • University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
    • Bachelor in Computer Science, Specializing in Data Structure, Algorithm, Machine Learning, Operating System - May 2019


  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect
    • Validation Number: QLE754K2HBB119K4 - Aug 2023